Home Page Welcome :D

 Welcome to Rurple101PlaysSims 
(an extension for posting my Sims 2 Stories!)😀

My tumblr page shows is my main platform but as my stories are longer than the average tumblr post, I thought I'd upload the stories here so they would be easier to read and post. 

I hope you enjoy. 

I've only just started to use Blogger and write this story so apologies for the stretches between updates!

Thank you for reading and supporting! It means a lot.

- from Rurple101 

Here are some sneak peaks from my upcoming chapter:

Thank you for all the support. :D

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Angela Pleasant -> Part One

Pleasant(ly)  Ever After   (Angela Pleasant) [Part One]     ( WARNINGS : Mentions of  child neglect  and  loneliness . Contains  Swearing . ...